I lost sight of this blog, buried in a big project and a flurry of exhibits. More later on “Scenic Overlook” and other exhibits, but this summer has been completely turned over to a large commission for the new Bass Biology Building at Stanford.
High resolution photographs of ocean waves – color reversed and knitted together – have grown into a large mural-sized image covering both glass and solid walls in the building’s main lobby, as well as the windows of a small adjacent conference room. Below is a mock-up and some working photos, already well out-of-date. Deadlines coming up! My favorite part of this project is that the small conference room image will fog and clear in syncopation with the tides: opaque at high tide, clear at low.
I’m reading Moby Dick, finally, as an accompaniment, after reading In the Heart of the Sea, a history of the true story that inspired Moby Dick, beautifully written by Nathaniel Philbrick. So great. Plus reminiscing about and missing those east coast chowders.